Saturday, May 30, 2009

I'm a Blogger!

Well, I have finally entered the world of blogging. I'm kind of excited about it! What in the world am I supposed write?

Hmm...I have it. I want you all to know what is going on in my life....

Home. Well I'm here. I'm back in good ole' Poplar Bluff, Missouri once again. I never thought the day would come, but it has. The day that I returned home...I was actually excited to be here. Isn't it amazing how much change can happen in a persons life, yet, the things that have always been a 'constant' continue being a 'constant' no matter where life takes you. Take my life for instance. I went to Colorado on the adventure of a lifetime to return home only 6 months later realizing that my family, friends, and this place I call 'home' are still here. Although they may have changed slightly they are still my family, my friends and my home. Boy did I take those things for granted before.

Faith. God can do great things. You just have to be willing and open to his plan. I can now say that without a doubt I have been changed...for the better. And I owe it all to the grace of God and his perfect plan for my little life in this great big world. I can honestly say that if you have never been to Colorado...go...if you don't feel the presence of God there might be something wrong with you! I honestly think you can't get any closer to a little slice of heaven. The picture you see above is, well, my heaven. Being away from everything I had ever known was a challenge, but places like that brought me closer to home than I'd ever been. I'm so excited to see where God takes me next...oh yeah...First United Methodist Church has asked me to be the Interim Youth Director for the summer. WHOOO!!! I cannot wait to form relationships with those kids. I believe without a doubt that God made me to invest His immaculate love in the lives of about a love. That is the greatest love ever!

Work. I am now working at Larry Hillis Dodge. Yep, that's right. I am trying to hold my own in the big automotive world! I like it. You are reading about the newest Marketing Director. From ads and commercials to remotes and events, I do it all. If you have any questions about us...well, I guess you can contact me. =) Just remember us when you look to buy your new vehicle!

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